Intensive Outpatient
Intensive Outpatient (IOP) provides a high level of therapeutic support for individuals in the community looking to establish and strengthen recovery efforts.

Outpatient (OP) provides a moderate level of therapeutic support designed to sustain positive lifestyle changes necessary for long-term recovery.

Early Intervention
Early Intervention provides psychoeducational support for individuals who may be exhibiting risk factors for substance use disorder and would benefit from preventative measures.
Outpatient Support
Allentown Outpatient
1130 Walnut Street
Allentown, PA 18102
Phone: 610-433-0148
Fax: 610-433-6201
Outpatient Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8am-9pm
Friday: 8am-4pm
Saturday: 8:30am-11:30am
Allentown Outpatient participants can make payments of services rendered or see more information on services and pricing below.

The treatment provided at Allentown Outpatient reflects the ASAM criteria and DDAP designation for Level 2.1, 1, & 0.5 services.
TTI Allentown Outpatient utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to assessment & treatment for men, women and adolescents who are struggling with problems of substance abuse, addiction and associated issues.
Our qualified team of therapists, case managers, and Certified Recovery Specialists collaborate on a holistic approach to best meet the individual's treatment and recovery needs.
Drug & Alcohol assessments are provided to determine the level of care determined by ASAM criteria.
D&A Assessments:
Monday through Friday by appointment. Morning, afternoon & evening appointments available.
Please call the Outpatient office for scheduling.
Telehealth is available under some circumstances.
For Providers:
When referring an individual to Allentown Outpatient, the following are needed from providers: ASAM, Assessment, Clinical Evaluation & Discharge Summary
Services & Pricing
Our services can be financially supported by the following based on individual qualifications:
Lehigh or Northampton County Magellan Healthcare
Designated funding from Lehigh & Northampton County (individual's income will help determine their portion of responsibility based on client liability determination table)
BCC (Bureau of Community Corrections)
Client Self-Pay
Self-Pay Prices:​
$150 for Assessments
$96 for 45-60 minute Individual Session
$90 for 180 minute Group Session
$420 for Early Intervention Program of 6 Sessions (2 individual, 4 group)