Phase Zero
During Phase Zero, residents are admitted into the program and experience a two-week orientation period where they learn the rules and expectations, begin to generate a support system, and meet with staff regularly. Within 72 hours of admission, residents will partake in the intake process with our Admissions Coordinator and meet with their primary counselor to develop goals included in their treatment plan. Residents are assigned a room and two buddies, provided with necessities, and given a tour of the facility. During this Phase, residents are not permitted to use their personal cell phones or computers, but are able to use the facility phone in the presence of staff. The two-week period is progress driven and can be extended if necessary.
Phase One
Once the orientation period ends, residents transition into Phase One of the program, where they are educated in addiction awareness and taught elementary adjustment techniques. They develop insight into historic or potential relapse triggers, strengthen coinciding coping mechanisms, and establish an awareness of accountability to themselves and those around them. Residents are expected to maintain a schedule, attend all assigned groups, and participate in support meetings. They meet with their primary counselor once per week, participate in 5 hours of intensive treatment, and attend 6 support meetings weekly. During this Phase, residents will begin to address any medical or psychiatric issues they are experiencing through involvement with the contracted physician, psychiatrist, or via referral to outside resources. They are expected to self-administer medication while observed by staff during regularly scheduled medication times.
Residents are given treatment work, including a self-exploratory questionnaire and topic based assignments which they have identified as personal issues and goals. Residents are permitted to go out on “free time” with buddies who have advanced to Phase Two or Three. They are also permitted to utilize their personal devices within set intervals throughout the day. Residents are expected to participate in a daily chore as an integral part of his or her treatment and rehabilitation plan.
This Phase is progress driven. Once residents have completed their “Phase One Packet” and have shown they are responsible enough to advance to the next level, their primary counselor will make the decision to transition them to Phase Two.
Phase Two
In Phase Two, residents are expected to maintain what they have learned in Phase One. The expectation for this Phase is that residents strengthen their relapse prevention skills, reinforce already established coping mechanisms, and gain practical awareness and application of the addiction and recovery process.
Residents begin to learn vocational skills and prepare for employment. They learn basic interview skills and resume building through continued psycho-education groups on site. Residents are permitted to utilize computers within the facility for job search and are encouraged to utilize outside resources, such as Career Link.
Residents continue to meet with their primary counselor, every other week at minimum, in combination with involvement in intensive therapeutic and psycho-educational groups weekly. Residents continue to expand their support network by attending 6 or more support meetings weekly. Residents are expected to maintain and strengthen their involvement in the 12-step community and/or other support networks while learning to balance self-care needs. Any medical or psychiatric issues they began to address during Phase One will be stabilized by the conclusion of this Phase.
Phase Three
Phase Three, also known as the “working” phase, is often considered the most challenging, yet rewarding phase of the program. Residents begin to incorporate what they have learned to date by preparing for the next level of their recovery process. Residents find, gain, and maintain employment that will not interfere with their recovery process. Any residents unable to work due to verifiable disability will be required to engage in an alternative area of productivity, such as volunteerism, ongoing education, or community service.
Residents continue to learn more about their addiction and relapse dynamics while balancing newly gained responsibilities and self-care needs. Residents are expected to continue to participate in a daily regime, including treatment and support group attendance, employment, and the completion of a daily chore in relation to daily living. Residents are expected to be in good financial standing in order to prepare for their discharge, and all family, legal, medical, and self-care responsibilities will be addressed and stabilized in order to establish meaningful recovery once transitioned out of the program.
Phase Three is when residents typically encounter issues that may lead to relapse in less structured treatment regimes. Residents are encouraged to utilize their already established support systems, both inside and outside of Allentown Halfway Home. They are encouraged to use family passes two times monthly in order to regain and build trust, set boundaries, and re-establish a baseline relationship with healthy family members and friends. Residents work with staff to develop an aftercare plan, find housing, and establish medical, psychiatric, and treatment appointments to set them up for success upon completion of the program.